Virtual Tantra Meditation
Service Description
Classes Based on the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Sutras DISCOVERING HOW TO USE AND LIVE TANTRA IN EVERYDAY LIFE, BY YOURSELF OR WITH A PARTNER PRACTICING THE TANTRA SUTRAS. By practicing Tantra Meditations we reconnect with our birthright of being fully open in all these aspects, thus embracing our true nature as radiant, creative and blissful beings * Senses (Sensual Aliveness) * Sex (Acknowledging Sexual Energy), Birth & Death * Body (Movement, Dance, Qi Gong, Strength, Vitality) * Purification & Healing (Breath) * Love & Relating (Open Heartedness) * Devotion (Unconditional Love) * Creativity (Fulfillment) * Knowledge (Surrendering) * Elevation of Consciousness (Accepting) * Meditation (Silent & Active) * Subtle Energy (Chakras, Kundalini, Energy Bodies) * Playfulness (Emotional Fluidity)
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellations with less than 4 hours of notice are subject to a cancellation fee amounting to the cost of the scheduled service. Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service.
Contact Details
Located on the second floor. Above FedEx. Facing the Courtyard Jupiter Yoga Wellness, Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA, USA