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Level Two 300HR Yoga Teacher Training

  • Duration Varies
  • Jupiter Yoga

Service Description

Yoga teacher training should never be about memorizing rigid sequence. Our program framework honors traditional lineage while encouraging fluidity and freedom of expression. You will learn ancient Kundalini Yoga practices and lifestyle, framework of yin yoga built on a foundation of artful cueing, advanced asana study, a deeper understanding of anatomy, and the philosophical underpinnings of yoga. This level two 300HR Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training will take place every fourth weekend of each month for 13 months. Starting on May 2024. Curriculum includes and are not limited to studying how to: - Perform poses in a safe and intelligent way - Use modifications, variations, and props to maintain alignment - Deliver dynamic, effective, and intelligent sequences for all levels - Work with different kinds of bodies and students - Observe bodies in practice - Work with injuries, pregnancies, and limitations - Practice teaching - Implement pranayama or breathing techniques - apply the technology of mantra - practice and teach meditation - share and teach the yoga and tantra sutras - be successful as a teacher and business owner What if I don’t want to be a yoga teacher? No problem! Many people have other personal reasons why they are pursuing a yoga teacher certification. Our LEVEL ONE 200-hour/LEVEL TWO 300-hour AKATY are ideal for those who want to delve deeper into the study of the Urban Yogi and improve their own practice. It’s also great for students who simply want to have a transformational experience and to be a part of our thriving Yoga Community. What if I don’t can't make it to class? We have different options to complete missed classes, watching the recorded classes, home work assignments and reading. The AKATY-JUPITER YOGA 300-hour YTT offers a curriculum that builds on the material presented in our initial 200-Hour training. It also includes a five-month apprenticeship with a senior teacher whom trainees assist weekly and meet with monthly to gain valuable in-class experience and one-on-one attention. This training is thorough, professional training for becoming a highly skilled Urban Yogi and yoga teacher. It rounds out and solidifies a teacher’s complete education.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellations with less than 4 hours of notice are subject to a cancellation fee amounting to the cost of the scheduled service. Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service.

Contact Details

  • Jupiter Yoga Wellness, Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA, USA


Service Page: Bookings Service Page
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